Monday, September 1, 2014

Fix android problem "Error downloading the app. There is insufficient space on the device"

How to fix - "insufficient space on the device" error message

Most of android users are facing a common problem now a days. That is they got plenty of space in their phone's internal/external storage media, but when they try to download or update any app it says some random insufficient storage space error. Something like -  "Error downloading the application. There is insufficient space on the device"

Well this sounds annoying to you, doesn't it? I was having the same problem so I gone through an internet search and found the cause of the problem and fixed it. You would ask how? So, here we go...

Solution: You need to clear the cache of google play app or probably cache of all apps installed in your android device. The best way to do is use an app cleaner software. I had already have "All in One Toolbox" app in my phone, so I used it. You can use any cache cleaning software if you have like - "app cache cleaner" or "ROM Manager" or any other similar app. If you don't have any, you can download "All in One Toolbox" app from here.


Copy the .apk file to your device. And run the file using any file manager app. Install the app and open it.

Now procedure of how to clean your device's cache:
Its a 3 steps process:
1. Open the app and tap on Tools
2. Tap on "Cache cleaner" under "System Cleaner" menu
3. Tap on "Clean" on the bottom of the screen

Here are the screenshots explaining the above steps:

There is insufficient space on the device
Step 1
Android insufficient storage space problem
Step 3
Error downloading the app
Step 2

That's all you need to do.
Hope you find the article useful. Likes and comments are appreciated.
If you got stuck anywhere, feel free to post your problems below. I would love to hear from you.


  1. I just tried downloading the All -in-One Toolbox from Google Play Store & I got the same response "Error downloading All-in-One Toolbox(29 Tools). There is insufficient space on the device".

    What do you suggest?

    By the way, my device actually has over 2 Gb of available space.

    1. Then you need to manually clear the data of google play app by going to
      > settings > apps > google play
      then click clear data.

      Thats all!

  2. I have tried all in one toolbox and clean my cache but error downloading messages still happen when I want to download or update other app.

    1. Then you need to manually clear the data of google play app by going to
      > settings > apps > google play
      then click clear data.


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